Spare wheel on my truck? - tow truck denver
I drive a 2004 Isuzu Rodeo Denver. I have fitted a chrome bumper and beautiful rear trailer hitch from a distributor of Isuzu. Motor was happy ............ I am up a puncture, this eveing. Now normally that wouldnt be a problem, but my manual, connection a''bajo graduate repuesto''insertar wheel in a small hole in the back door and rotate it. However, there is a small hole in the back my tail! Only half a ton Crome bumper and trailer hitch! both the RAC and the time is rather spare, but could not! The only way to see the arrival of the spare wheel has been the destruction of the entire assembly of the bumper and trailer hitch! not something I want to do on the side of the road in the rain and darkness.
He's not mine shafts and bumpers installed correctly? or is it a cock from the manufacturer?
The bumper is obviously a market for replacement parts not manufactured by the factory, and while they look good, you can see the problems. If the setting, as in most parts of the truck is a tube inserted into a socket, which, when rotated counterclockwise, making parts, and conversely increase to ... Tent, with the help of the upper state (like most folded in half)? If this fails, you need to change to the bar or have to do a length of metal or something. Another possibility is the bumper to drill the hole to correct
The bumper is obviously a market for replacement parts not manufactured by the factory, and while they look good, you can see the problems. If the setting, as in most parts of the truck is a tube inserted into a socket, which, when rotated counterclockwise, making parts, and conversely increase to ... Tent, with the help of the upper state (like most folded in half)? If this fails, you need to change to the bar or have to do a length of metal or something. Another possibility is the bumper to drill the hole to correct
The parties are universal, you must make changes to the truck you please, that drilling the hole in the crank
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